Saturday, December 29, 2012

Zack, Brooke, and Greyson

So for Christmas, I got Photoshop Elements and I've been trying to use it to edit pictures instead of Pixlr which is what I typically used (because it was online, free, and the best thing I could find and trust me I looked). It's taking me forever to edit these pictures though because I'm having to learn more and more about how to use Elements as I go. These are my first few attempts.

Ok I've come to realize with this one that their eyes look REALLY fake. I'll come back and fix this later when I have a chance.


This is probably the most fun thing I've learned how to do today. A little out there but cool looking still! This texture came from Flickr.

YAY taking pictures!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Space Shorts

Pictures from the production Space Shorts, a series of short plays. These people are all so incredibly talented and it was so much fun to take pictures of them performing. (I still have at least 700 more pictures of just this show, and at least 300 are good, just because I wanted to capture each little moment each person had and there was a lot!) I saw every performance, and it just got better and better each time.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Preview of Zack, Brooke, and Greyson

Edited this super fast while taking a break from studying for finals. I have about 15 more I need to edit and I didn't even finish this one (see the extra legs in the background?).

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Best of Coffeehouse

Such talented people! These are (what I think) the best 19 out of approximately 400 pictures.